Friday, May 28, 2010


KB Organic Skin Care & Waxing is Celebrating Two Wonderful Years of Organic Skin Care!
A gourmet Gluten-free, Dairy-free event!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

True or False? Natural products are less likely to cause breakouts.

False. There is no evidence that natural skin care products are less likely to cause breakouts than those made with synthetic ingredients. Both can cause problems. If you're sensitive to something, you're sensitive to it. It could be the healthiest vegetable, fruit or grain in the world and YOU could still have a reaction to it.

As far as synthetic products go, there are many man-made chemicals that can be extremely irritating to the skin. There are problems in natural products as well. Some natural oils when broken down, end up as fatty acids that may be comedogenic. It is extremely important to find a licensed aesthetician and skin care specialist in your area that can help you make educated choices in your skin care regime.