Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Clean and Green

What's in your skin care products? Do you know? Go grab a jar of your facial moisturizer and lets read it together......go ahead, I'll wait...... Can't pronounce alot of the ingredients can you? Well let me tell you what shouldn't be in there:


Parabens are a preservative used in most skin care products to give them a longer shelf life. Unfortunately they also mimic estrogen in the body, an increase of which has been linked to certain types of cancer, specifically breast.


Added Fragrances' formulations by law, are not required to be in the list of ingredients on products. Many of these fragrances are made with ingredients that contain hormone disrupters. Not good.

Mineral Oil

Mineral Oil is an ingredient that had been used in skin care products for quite some time. The problem with mineral oil is that it doesn't penetrate into the skin. Instead of hydrating the skin, it actually dries it out causing redness and irritation. Because the molecular structure of the oil is too large, it can also clog follicles (pores) causing comedones (blackheads) and breakouts.

Our body absorbs these harmful ingredients into the bloodstream.

Clean, Green, Organic

Using clean, green, organic skin care products without these ingredients will promote healthy, glowing skin. See your local organic aesthetician to help you get on the right path to achieve the beautiful skin you've always wanted.