Monday, July 19, 2010


Armed with knowledge, monthly facials and the execution of a few easy skin care steps, you can achieve the beautiful skin you've always wanted. Just ask me!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Get your facials.

The skin regenerates itself every 28 days, therefore facials are recommended every 4 weeks. Getting facials retains muscle and skin tone, elasticity and promotes collagen and elastin production. Make sure your facials are customized to your needs though. Many places allow you to choose whatever one-size-fits-all facial is on their menu, neglecting to properly analyze your skin which can be detrimental.

If you are getting married, get a proper consultation and start your facial regime as soon as possible, leaving one week between your last facial and your big day.

Monday, July 5, 2010


It is also imperative to nourish your skin from the inside out. Taking a quality multivitamin and probiotics, combined with a healthy diet will promote beautiful skin and help with chronic issues like acne and rosacea. An experienced aesthetician can help you determine other supplements with dosage recommendations for all kinds of skin conditions. Even chronic dryness can be relieved with the proper doses of Omega 3s and 6s. Always consult your local organic aesthetician for proper skin care product and nutritional supplement selection.